What to expect when you join us…
There is a worship service every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday School for all ages before the worship service at 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. See the What About My Kids page for children’s church details.
Once a month we take communion together, every first Sunday.
When you join us you’ll be greeted warmly and welcomed. An usher will provide you with a bulletin* and you’re invited to a seat* of your choosing. *following provincial covid guidelines
We begin with singing praise songs and prepare ourselves for learning from the pastor’s message. After a short break for announcements and praying for the children before they’re dismissed to children’s church; the Pastor begins his message.
The worship service concludes with a brief praise song. For prayer requests and to be prayed over, the pastor and/or leadership team is available following the service.